Privacy policy

At Urberg Skandinavien, we believe that your personal data is important. To ensure that the personal data we collect is processed in a responsible and secure manner, we actively work with privacy issues. By using our services, you agree to our processing of your personal data. It is therefore important that you have read and understood our policy before using our services and therefore, in this policy we have compiled how we collect, process and store your personal data. If you have questions about our privacy policy, you can always contact us via

Responsible for collecting and storing your data: Urberg Skandinavien via Outnordic AB 559188-2005

Information about how we handle your personal data

What information do we collect about you and why?

At Urberg Skandinavien we may collect certain information about you within the framework of the services we offer. We collect data for certain purposes, such as signing up for an event or participation in a competition.

Types of data and purposes

For competitions and events

– Full name
– Contact details such as postal address, e-mail address and telephone number

When you participate in a competition or event organized by us, we need to process your personal data in order to administer your participation. The legal basis is our legitimate interest in being able to administer information relating to the competition or event, such as confirmation of registration and participation, questions or information about winners.

Time for storing your personal data: Until the event or competition has ended and all necessary communication and administration regarding participation has been completed, but at most 6 months after the date of the event.


We also collect certain data when you visit our website through so-called cookies – upon your approval. As a website visitor, you are under no obligation to give us access to your data. You avoid this by not accepting that we place cookies on your device.

The cookies we use have the purpose of analyzing traffic to the website and functional cookies.

How do we get access to your data?

The information about you that we have stored has been given to us by you yourself, usually when you sign up for an event or participate in a competition.

Who will we share your information with?

Sometimes we may share your personal data with external parties. It could be, for example, suppliers to Urberg Skandinavien when we arrange an event or authorities that we have to provide with information due to legal requirements. When we share your information with an external party, it is always for the purposes for which we collected the information in the first place. We always take the necessary measures to ensure that external parties handle your data correctly and securely, including by signing agreements with our suppliers that ensure that.

Where is your data handled?

We always do our best to ensure that your personal data is not stored or otherwise handled in countries outside the EU/EEA. If your data should still be transferred or handled in countries outside the EU/EEA, we will ensure that we have taken sufficient security measures which mean that your data is handled in a way that achieves a sufficient level of protection according to current regulations.

What rights do you have?

Withdrawal of consent or register extract

We protect your privacy and at Urberg Skandinavien we have taken special protective measures so that you feel safe with the personal data you provide to us by only handling the information that is needed and only from people who need it in order to be able to fulfill our obligations towards you who submit your information to us.

If you want to see what information we have registered about you, you have the right to request access to your information via a register extract. When this happens, we may ask you for additional information to ensure that we provide information to the right person. To receive a register extract, you need to contact us with a written, signed request from you.

You can request correction or deletion of your data, however, we can only delete your data to the extent that complies with the applicable law and concluded agreements.